CropLife India strongly advocates the usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), while handling crop protection products. We reach out to farmers across India…
Resistance <span>Management</span>

CropLife India promotes Resistance Management as an integral part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the Stewardship approach to management of crop protection.

The global pandemic of Covid-19 struck in March 2020 causing social and economic disruptions across the country. With restrictions imposed as the outbreak spread quickly…

What happens in the farms impacts the entire food chain and goes even further. For example, indiscriminate use of crop protection chemicals leads not only to unnecessary…
Farmer <span>Awareness</span>

CropLife India’s stewardship activities are focused on responsible & safe use of crop protection products and Empty Pesticides Container Management. Lack of awareness and source of getting…
SAFE <span>FOOD</span>

In order to ensure safe food for all, CropLife India has been advocating the responsible use of pesticides with farmers across India through multiple messaging points, viz…