India’s first case was reported on January 30, 2020 in Kerala and the Prime Minister announced Covid-19 Economic Response Task Force to tackle virus outbreak on 18th March 2020. A day long voluntary curfew (Janta Curfew) was then announced for Sunday 22nd March 2020. Eventually the Prime Minister ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, from March 24 – April 14.

The global pandemic of Covid-19 struck in March 2020 causing social and economic disruptions across the country. With restrictions imposed as the outbreak spread quickly, CropLife India took upon the challenge to reach out to farmers and their families, agriculture departments and allied stakeholders by leveraging digital tools and technology.

Educational videos for farmers and medical practitioners, advisories for farmers during the locust attack, key information posters and many more such tools were developed and was disseminated through Industry and Government partnerships.

CropLife India also forged new partnerships for the common goal of farmer’s awareness thus acting as an effective knowledge partner for the agricultural sector during the ongoing crisis. CropLife India issued several appeal letters to Key Stakeholders citing the importance of agrichemicals (and other farm inputs) in ensuring food security and farmers’ sustainability; and requesting that the entire agrichemical supply chain (Import, Manufacture, Distribution, Transportation, Storage and Sale) be allowed to operate during the Lockdown period.

As Covid-19 restrictions came into action, CropLife India digitalized all the efforts towards Farmers’ education on Safe and Judicious Use of Crop Protection Products; which had been the motto of CropLife India.

CropLife India’s contribution to Indian Agriculture during Covid-19 Pandemic;

CropLife India Farmer’s Training Film : CropLife India developed an educational video featuring both Stewardship and Anti-counterfeiting messages for our farmers’ welfare and is available in eight languages, viz. EnglishHindiPunjabiGujaratiBanglaMarathiKannada and Telugu

Developed Health Practitioners’ Video for disseminating key information among Medical Fraternity. Also, organized Doctors’ Training Programs to reach out to the Medical fraternity.

CLI developed Farmer Education Posters, Farm Heroes- Thank you & Congratulations Posters, Children Poster, Locust Advisory, Resistance Management & whitefly posters etc. to maintain the robust relationship with key stakeholders & our Food Heroes.

CropLife India’s Stewardship Key Initiative Brochure, enlists key activities and achievements during Covid-19 lockdown and continuing pandemic. Read more

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